Finding a Location

The staff at San Diego Regional EDC is here to help you with your site selection needs.

San Diego has a wide selection of building and land inventory to accommodate a diversity of businesses. EDC works with businesses, consultants, and brokers to aggregate a list of applicable sites, provide introductions to vetted service providers, and/or respond to detailed Requests for Proposals (RFPs) for campuses or locations.

Contact us to get started

Incentives to Grow Your Business

Photo of a business meeting in San Diego

Cal Competes Tax Credit

Income tax credit made available to businesses that want to locate to and grow in California. The annual budget for this program is $180 million. If interested in applying, please contact EDC for complimentary assistance.

Scientist working in lab in San Diego

R+D Tax Credit

Manufacturers and certain research and developers may qualify for a partial exemption of sales and use tax on certain manufacturing and research and development equipment purchases and leases.

Photo of a San Diego freeway

Other Local Credits

With over 18 cities in the region, many local municipalities have incentives to help companies grow and thrive. These are only applicable in the city your business is located: some examples include:

  • City of San Diego Business Incentive Program – The program is geared towards companies who are looking to create or retain employment jobs in Low to Moderate Income (LMI) areas or make a capital investment in the City.
  • City of Chula Vista – Chula Vista offers expediated permitting, deferral of certain development impact fees in specific areas, and more.
Interior of a factory in San Diego

Other CA State Credits

  • New Employment Credit – Available to companies in designated geographic areas of the state who have a net increase in employment and hire qualified employees.
  • CoolCalifornia – The CoolCalifornia Funding Wizard can help you find grants related to energy efficiency upgrades and rebates, with a particular emphasis on sustainable and environmentally-friendly business practices.
  • Industrial Development Bond Financing – Tax-exempt securities of up to $10 million for the acquisition, construction, rehabilitation and equipping of manufacturing and processing facilities for private companies. Applications are accepted on a continuous basis.

Looking to Start a Business

Depending on the type of business, there are many resources availble to help you grow and thrive. EDC’s role is facilating connections and providing a list of resources. Here are some places to start to get your idea off the ground.

Small Business Development Center

Small Business Development Center (SBDC) offer access to confidential, no-cost professional business consulting services and low-cost workshops designed to empower small business growth. SDBC offers support to entrepreneurs and small businesses in eight locations around the region.

City Economic Development Departments

If you know the city within San Diego that you’re looking to launch in, contact the local economic development department. Most have abundant resources to help you get set up.

Applying for a Commercial Permit

If you are looking to apply for a commercial permit in the City of San Diego, follow this 10 step guide to ensure you have all the support your company needs.


EDC has a remarkable network of non-profit partners, trade associations, and additional resources that will help your business thrive.

Looking for international support?

World Trade Center San Diego works directly with companies – free of charge – to help them expand internationally and grow in San Diego.

As the international affiliate of San Diego Regional EDC, World Trade Center San Diego cultivates a pipeline of export-ready firms, maximizes foreign direct investment (FDI) opportunities, and enhances San Diego’s connectivity to the markets that matter most.

World Trade Center San Diego

Contact SDREDC
To learn more, please contact us.

To learn how EDC has worked with companies, please visit:

How we help