Op-ed: Employers can bolster the local talent pipeline. Here’s how.

Op-ed originally published by the San Diego Union-Tribune

Authored by Sidd Vivek, President and CEO at Junior Achievement of San Diego and Imperial Counties; Mark Cafferty, President and CEO at San Diego Regional EDC; and Dr. Sunita Cooke, President and Superintendent at MiraCosta College

The success of our regional economy hinges on more than the businesses that power it; it thrives when our community, education systems, and industry come together to create opportunities that benefit all San Diegans. Internships and career-connected learning are key to aligning local students with regional jobs and overcoming the talent shortages threatening our economic competitiveness.

Demand for workers in the innovation economy is set to double over the next few years, making it imperative to connect young people to career pathways and professional networks in San Diego’s leading industries. Talent from historically underserved communities remains heavily underrepresented in the local innovation economy; in fact, Black and Hispanic people comprise 50 percent of the region’s K-12 population but only 24 percent of innovation cluster workers. Supporting these youth in accessing high-growth, sustainable careers is key to addressing San Diego’s socioeconomic disparities and creating a talent surplus.

That’s why, together with key local partners, San Diego Regional EDC is focused on placing students in paid work-based experiences and/or internships across the region. In collaboration with the Border Region Talent Pipeline K-16 Collaborative, Imperial Valley EDC, Junior Achievement of San Diego and Imperial Counties, and the County of San Diego led by Chair Nora Vargas, 443 local youth were placed in paid summer internships and/or work-based learning experiences at more than 125 businesses across San Diego and Imperial Counties including Illumina, Deloitte, Booz Allen Hamilton and Cox Communications and many small businesses. Through local industry partners—and supplemented by philanthropy—students were paid more than $2.7 million in collective wages and employer support services, and many are already being hired on for full-time opportunities. This work goes beyond offering students a paycheck—transforming futures and driving long-term economic growth for San Diego.

When employers invest in career-connected learning experiences, they address both immediate staffing needs and strategically build a future workforce pipeline tailored to their skills demands. According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, approximately 72 percent of US companies will offer their interns full-time positions, and 80 percent of employers cited their internship programs as the talent acquisition technique with the best return on investment.

It is not just businesses that benefit. Forbes reported that students who completed paid internships receive twice as many job offers and secure a higher first-year salary than students with no internship experience, even when controlling for industry and demographic data.

Work-based learning equips students with industry tools and professional skills while helping them identify career paths aligned with their strengths and build a network of support for the future. Young people’s creativity and diverse perspectives can spark fresh ideas that drive businesses forward. As more students transition from interns to full-time roles, they mentor the next generation, creating a self-sustaining growth cycle that fuels innovation and economic mobility across San Diego and Imperial Counties.

This complex work requires cross-sector collaboration, from K-12 school districts and nonprofits to community colleges, universities, and employers who need the talent to fill critical functions. For our region—we must keep our sights set on fostering innovation, connecting youth to in-demand, sustainable wage career pathways, and building a talent pool that reflects our people.

With students back in school for the fall, we invite our regional businesses to join us in this vital work. From participation in career panels to hosting work-based learning for high school students or post-secondary apprentices and interns, a commitment by San Diego’s companies will be the difference-maker for this region and our youth.

It is only with and through San Diego’s employers that we can meet our Inclusive Growth goals, and ensure our economy remains competitive, innovative, and resilient for years to come. The benefits are clear: stronger businesses empowered students, and a vibrant, accessible economy that works for everyone.

What’s next?

To learn more and get involved in EDC’s work, contact:

Bridgette Coleman
Bridgette Coleman

Manager, Talent Initiatives

San Diego’s demand for talent in business

This summer in partnership with the Border Region Talent Pipeline K-16 Collaborative, EDC’s Advancing San Diego program convened six leading San Diego employers that collectively employ more than 24,000 San Diegans to participate in an Employer Working Group (EWG) and provide a real-time picture of the region’s talent demand for entry-level business roles. Additionally, 120 businesses were surveyed to gain a regional snapshot of talent demand, find gaps in business related training, and identify in-demand entry-level positions for individuals training to enter the workforce. Leveraging strategies from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Talent Pipeline Management® framework, Advancing San Diego is excited to share the 2024 Business Talent Demand Report to serve as a snapshot of local demand for entry-level business professionals.

Business Talent Demand Report

This report serves as a tool for education partners to understand what skills and competencies students need for entry-level business positions in San Diego County. Based on employer feedback, the report focuses on in-demand external facing roles (Customer Service Representative and Advertising, Sales, and Marketing) and internal facing roles (Purchasing and Buying and Project Managers), and highlights the demand for Accounting, Auditing, and Bookkeeping positions which were identified as high priority by EWG participants.

Key findings

  • Twenty percent of businesses reported a high turnover in four out of eight listed in-demand occupations.
  • Lack of sufficient training or education was cited as the primary reason for hiring difficulties for entry-level business positions.
  • For non-entry level positions, lack of sufficient industry or work experience and inadequate training or education were the primary hiring challenges.
  • Employers predicted the highest job growth for purchasing and buying roles over the next 24 months, noting that 30 percent of these positions take more than six months to fill.
  • The most challenging positions to fill included supply chain and logistics positions, finance, and project manager roles, all of which reported high turnover rates.
  • Hispanic and Latino, as well as Black and African American individuals are underrepresented in entry-level business positions, indicating a need for investment in equitable access to strengthen the regional workforce.

Occupation demand

San Diego’s economy is powered by its diverse industries, from defense and technology to life sciences and manufacturing, supported by more than 71,000 business jobs. However, many employers struggle to find candidates with the necessary skills for entry-level roles, particularly as technical skills become increasingly crucial. With nearly 5,400 businesses competing for talent, the shortage of qualified candidates makes it challenging to fill positions.

Sixty-three percent of surveyed businesses noted that available talent does not have the relevant training or education, highlighting the need for better access to post-secondary education, work-based learning, and internships to strengthen talent pipelines and prepare students for success.

What’s next?

  • Save the date: Join EDC on November 13 at UC San Diego Park & Market for Advancing San Diego’s Verified Program event. More details to come.
  • Apply to be a Verified Program! Learn more about the process and benefits here. Verified Program applications close September 27.
  • Read other industries’ Talent Demand Reports here.

To learn more and get involved in EDC’s work, contact:

Bridgette Coleman
Bridgette Coleman

Manager, Talent Initiatives

Best practices for AI in higher education

takeaways from Advancing San Diego’s AI Best Practices event

In a regional economy where one in four local firms utilizes Artificial Intelligence (AI), it is essential that San Diego students be prepared with the skills necessary to maximize the use of AI. To address this need, Deloitte and San Diego Regional EDC convened nearly 50 faculty and administrators from Advancing San Diego’s Verified Programs to collaborate and workshop the future of AI implementation in higher education.


  1. Personalize learning and content

    AI can revolutionize personalized learning by analyzing student performance data to identify areas where students need more support and adjust curriculum accordingly. Additionally, AI enables educators to quickly adjust to student needs by creating lecture materials, interactive learning modules, and more. This dual capability expands educators’ ability to create tailored content and saves time on resource creation, enhancing both the learning experience and instructional quality.

  1. Streamline administrative tasks

    AI tools can manage routine administrative tasks such as scheduling, grading, and responding to common student questions. This can reduce the administrative burden on educators, allowing them to concentrate more on teaching and mentoring, thereby improving overall efficiency.

  1. AI literacy and prompt engineering

    Understanding prompt engineering, the skill of constructing the right questions, can significantly enhance the utility of AI in educational settings. The way questions are framed can drastically impact AI responses and, if done properly, reduce the risk of “hallucinations,” AI-generated information that may be incorrect or outdated. This literacy ensures that these tools are used to their full potential, providing accurate and relevant information that supports learning objectives. It also effectively prepares students for jobs in San Diego’s innovation economy, which is already adopting AI at staggering rates .

  1. Emphasize higher-order thinking

    The integration of AI in education is shifting instructive approaches, emphasizing higher-order thinking skills outlined in Bloom’s Taxonomy. With AI handling lower-order tasks such as remembering and understanding information, educators can focus on fostering analysis, evaluation, and creation in students. This shift encourages deeper learning and critical thinking, preparing students for complex real-world challenges.

  1. Establish effective governance frameworks

    Integrating AI into education will require strong governance frameworks to address ethical concerns like bias and privacy, clear policies and guidelines for its use in assignments and assessments, and a regular process for evaluating and updating these frameworks to keep pace with the evolving AI landscape.

  1. Mitigate bias and protect privacy

    Addressing bias in AI training data is important for fair educational outcomes. Ensuring AI models are trained on diverse, representative datasets can improve accuracy and inclusiveness. Privacy concerns are also paramount; public AI tools can inadvertently use any input data for retraining, risking exposure of sensitive information. Enterprise-specific models, which do not learn off of private data, might offer a more secure solution for educational institutions.

To learn more and get involved in EDC’s work, contact:

Olivia Jones
Olivia Jones

Coordinator, Talent Initiatives


sEE edc’S AI series

Create diverse talent pipelines with apprenticeships

EDC, Apprenti partner to grow local talent pipeline

This is a developing story; last update was made July 2024.

With a nationwide talent shortage, companies are challenged to maximize growth. In San Diego, this issue is exacerbated by a declining working-age population coupled with job growth, making it difficult to find qualified talent. To build a strong workforce in this climate, companies must explore alternative talent acquisition pathways.

Join San Diego Regional EDC and Apprenti to explore how registered apprenticeships can help employers create a pipeline of critical, diverse, emerging talent, and support our local workforce. Together with Apprenti, EDC invites companies with advanced manufacturing or information technology operations to hire registered apprentices. Apprentices will tentatively begin in Summer 2024, with training completed and full-time onboarding in Winter 2026.


EDC recognizes talent as the cornerstone of economic growth and works to leverage employer engagement, work-based learning, and unique company solutions to broaden San Diego’s pool of diverse, qualified talent. In complement, Seattle-based non-profit Apprenti provides the resources to support employers in developing a strong apprenticeship pipeline. Through this partnership catalyzed during EDC’s Leadership Trip, the Apprenti program sources, assesses, trains, and places talent for participating companies. The program also manages the administrative process of registering through state and federal systems, including access to braided funding to support program investments.


Companies that require a workforce with advanced manufacturing or information technology related technical skills but not a traditional degree. Roles include:

Advanced manufacturing

  • Optics manufacturing technician
  • Electromechanical technician
  • Precision machinist
  • Automation and controls technician
  • Instrumentation and controls technician
  • CNC operator and programmer

Information technology

  • Software developer/analyst
  • Cybersecurity analyst
  • CRM/CMS developer
  • IT support professional
  • IT business analyst
  • Systems administrator
  • Cloud operations specialist
  • Technical sales specialist
  • DevOps specialist
  • Web developer
  • UX designer
  • CRM administrator
  • Data analyst



  • Summer 2024: Apprentices begin training in the classroom half-time, and working on the job half-time.
  • Winter 2026: Apprentices complete classroom training, apprenticeship ends, and employers bring individuals on full-time.


  • EDC investors: $3,000 per apprentice
  • Non-investors: $3,500 per apprentice

Fee covers services by Apprenti and EDC in sourcing talent, tests screening candidates, completing state and federal administrative requirements, providing ongoing apprenticeship programmatic support, and coordinating with training partners around funding and qualified curriculum. It does not include the cost of related technical instruction (which could be as low as $0) nor wages for the apprentice, which must be at least 60 percent of the employer first year wage paid to employees in this role at your company.

To learn more or join the cohort, contact:

Olivia Jones
Olivia Jones

Coordinator, Talent Initiatives


EDC designates region’s top computing and engineering programs

To fill talent gaps, regional employers vet training curriculum aligned to industry needs

Together with more than a dozen industry partners, EDC is proud to announce the newly designated Verified Programs. Celebrated by industry as best preparing students for jobs in computing and engineering roles these 30 education programs represent 16 different institutions across San Diego and Imperial Counties.

Programs were verified as part of a rigorous evaluation process led by Advancing San Diego, the flagship program of EDC’s Talent Initiatives, which serves to double the production of skilled workers in San Diego while prioritizing historically underrepresented populations in the innovation economy.

San Diego and the nation are facing a talent supply and demand challenge; as innovation clusters grow and non-STEM roles become more technical, increased access to training is critical for sustained economic progress. At the same time, we are seeing demographic changes that will completely change the workforce. More than 50 percent of San Diego’s seventh graders are people of color, a group that has been historically left out when accessing high-wage, high-demand careers. Additionally, across the U.S. nearly 25 percent of the workforce is at or nearing retirement age. To build the talent pipeline of the future, we must ensure San Diegans can reach their highest potential by improving access to quality training programs for job seekers and employers alike.

“Dating back to 2019, Advancing San Diego has formalized EDC’s work to connect industry to local post-secondary education programs—universities, community colleges, and non-traditional training providers—to help meet San Diego’s talent demands. This roster of Verified Programs offers employers a go-to for sourcing qualified talent across the region, helping fill in-demand jobs and supporting San Diego’s inclusive growth and competitiveness,” said Taylor Dunne, Director of Talent Initiatives at EDC.

How programs are verified

Employers vetted applicants at EDC’s ‘Reaching Tomorrow’s Talent’ event on November 15, which brought together more than 150 attendees from business, education, and community who are working to close talent gaps by aligning training with industry needs.

Status as a Verified Program indicates five critical elements of a program:

  • Alignment of educational curriculum with industry requisites of necessary hard skills (ex: coding)
  • Alignment of educational curriculum with industry requisites of necessary soft skills (ex: problem solving)
  • Continuous engagement with industry
  • Ability to reach and serve a diverse student population
  • Proven history of collaboration along the education continuum and with critical community organizations

By participating, local training programs got an inside look at critical skill expectations leading industries has for entry level talent, especially amid rapid technology advancement. The two-part verification process required training programs to share training modules or syllabi, proving a connection between learning outcomes and the expressed needs of industry. Each program also had to be prepared for in-person conversations with industry regarding DEI efforts, general collaboration, and more. The 30 programs verified in this round represent 31,000 students, and join a roster of 21 others across key industries including Healthcare, Business, and Life Sciences.

“Participation in the Advancing San Diego Verified Program process always proves beneficial for our programs, encouraging further reflection on learning objectives and the needs of local industry” said Dr. Lynn Neault, Chancellor of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca College District and EDC board member. “From engineering to nursing to skilled trades, we know how important it is that our district’s colleges are offering training to build a strong talent pipeline for our community. We’re honored to have been recognized as part of the region’s Verified Programs.”

hire summer interns at no cost

With the new designation comes the opportunity for students of publicly-funded programs to take advantage of paid work-based learning experiences. In conjunction with Border Region Talent Pipeline K-16 Collaborative, companies in San Diego and Imperial Counties are invited to apply to host funded computing, engineering, and/or business interns for Summer 2024, sourced exclusively from the Verified Programs roster.

Apply by March 7

“Left Coast Engineering has hired bright local students from funded internship programs like this for three summers and we are always pleased with their preparedness and professionalism,” said Anita Baranowski, CEO of Left Coast Engineering. “As a small engineering design business, we are grateful for the opportunity to expand our headcount and support work for and training of local students as part of Advancing San Diego, all without adding to our payroll.”

Verified Programs of Computing

Verified Programs of Engineering

Learn More About Advancing San Diego

Host summer interns at no cost

funded summer internship program

In conjunction with the Border Region Talent Pipeline K-16 Collaborativecompanies in San Diego and Imperial Counties are invited to apply to host funded computing, engineering, and/or business interns for the summer of 2024. Internship applicants will be sourced through Advancing San Diego’s Verified Programs, ensuring they are learning the industry’s most in-demand skills. Intern host companies will have the chance to interview and select candidates from a pre-screened pool of students. This is a great opportunity for companies to strengthen and diversify talent pipelines and fill shortages for critical jobs. Read how Rady’s Children’s Hospital leveraged an Advancing San Diego paid internship program to help solve their talent shortages. Applications due March 7.

Application part I

Application part II


  • March 7 applications due
  • March 19 at 8 a.m. company onboarding session*
  • May 6–May 11 companies interview first round of student applicants*
  • May 28–June 1 interviews with second round of student applicants (if necessary)*
  • May/June students begin internships (flexible start date)

*Intern supervisors must be available these dates.

Below are sample positions, considering student ability based on Verified Program criteria. Companies will be asked to alter these job descriptions to fit their unique company needs.




Please note, these funded internships will only be available to students of publicly-funded Verified Programs. San Diego Regional EDC is committed to improving access to quality jobs for all San Diegans. Please contact us for information about opportunities outside of this program.

Questions? Contact EDC:

Olivia Jones
Olivia Jones

Coordinator, Talent Initiatives

Seattle Leadership Trip: An exercise in authenticity

Authored by Lisette Islas, Executive VP and Chief Impact Officer at MAAC, and EDC Vice Chair of Inclusive Growth

“Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose.”

Most every year, EDC hosts a Leadership Trip to a strategic metro. Guided by our Inclusive Growth strategy, the trips help expose dozens of San Diego’s private sector, nonprofit, academic, and government leaders to other regions engaged in similar work. After all, it sometimes takes stepping outside of our region to get the best look at who we are and who we want to be. This year: Seattle, Washington.

With more than 30 of San Diego’s most committed leaders in tow, we arrived in Seattle this July ready to learn about what makes the Pacific Northwest region so successful and what challenges have stymied it most. EDC’s President and CEO Mark Cafferty kicked off the three-day trip with the above Friday Night Lights quote to help frame the goals of the trip, plus the mindset needed to act once back home.

Clear eyes

Seattle is a true peer metro to San Diego, home to a globally competitive innovation cluster with audacious goals for its growth. While Seattle’s cost of living is lower than San Diego’s, it is the fastest-growing city in the country and rising home prices have led to gentrification and displacement. The state of Washington needs another Seattle’s-worth of housing units to address its housing supply shortage. The clarity of their direction and of their challenges comes from an impeccable degree of detail and data, both on their goals and on where they are falling short in meeting them. For example:

  • Jobs: Eighty of Seattle’s CEOs made commitments to increase supplier diversity, yet only 0.1 percent of procurement can be tracked back to Black-owned businesses. (There was no mention of metrics on Latino-owned businesses.) These companies don’t always have consistent vendor data tracking—and you can’t improve what you can’t measure.
  • Talent: Nationwide, more than 375,000 tech jobs remain unfilled. Given that each year as a country we graduate 75,000 computer science degrees and distribute 65,000 H1B visas in tech, that still leaves 235,000 jobs that must be filled in other ways. As home to some of the largest tech companies in the world including Amazon and Microsoft, Seattle has recognized the imperative for sourcing talent in new ways. Notably, through tech apprenticeship model Apprenti, companies can recruit people from non-tech backgrounds using an anonymized, skills-based application process to remove all the bias you don’t want and focus on all the talent you do. Eighty-six percent of these apprenticeships convert into full-time jobs after one year.
  • Households: Through Challenge Seattle and their partners at Boston Consulting Group, the region has identified the root of a housing shortage challenge that looks very familiar to San Diego’s. Challenge Seattle identified the housing size, price, and place needed to make a dent in the lack of supply facing the region. Additionally, the group put out 15 long-term and four short-term recommendations for policy change ranging from zoning reform to below-market financing, and more.

Full hearts

One inspiring moment was when our group heard from Alesha Washington, CEO of the Seattle Foundation, on the region’s continued struggles, which she says are often masked by its rapid growth and prominent tech companies. The region is majority white, and the economic hardships are most felt by people of color. Simply calling past policies what they were—racist—provides a sense of freedom to manage them directly and without ambiguity.

Another point of encouragement came in the context that while the Seattle metro accounts for more than half of the state’s population, it cannot succeed alone. Many of the challenges it faces are felt across the rest of Washington, so statewide cooperation is needed to solve them. Framing Seattle’s housing crisis as urgent to the state’s overall economic prosperity is one way Challenge Seattle has done just that.

Can’t lose

Perhaps the most galvanizing moment was during our closing session as the group took stock of all they had heard, shared what stood out the most, and reflected on our region’s own inclusive growth journey. What resonated most was the sense that, like our peer, San Diego has come a long way. When the economic case for inclusion was first developed in 2017, the road seemed long and the goals unreachable. However, despite the setbacks brought on by the pandemic, progress is being made – with EDC’s latest progress report launching next month. With an inclusive economic development agenda acting as a compass, many local organizations have shifted their focus or direction—and even small changes can have big impacts. As Halé Richardson of HomeFed Corporation put it, “Fueled by this ongoing dialogue, we’re now prioritizing childcare centers over swimming pools.”

For decades, the inclusion challenge was left only to the social services and philanthropic community to solve. Now, the business case has been made and it is clear inclusive growth is imperative to the region’s competitiveness. Without it, industry too will cease to thrive.

Economic development is an exercise in authenticity.

In San Diego, we know our data story well too. The challenges facing our region require all of us to adapt in order to create more quality jobs, skilled talent, and thriving households. If we are to remain competitive and attractive to both businesses and talent, we must embrace the challenges head-on, with each sector—public, private, non-profit—doing its part to promote a more inclusive San Diego. In the months ahead, EDC will convene select groups to make that clear and build on this momentum.

I remain committed to exploring different avenues for how we broaden and deepen our work across our three goals—through my role at EDC, my work at MAAC, and my engagement with our region at large—as a member of the community that cares deeply about San Diego’s future.

We may not reach all our stated goals by 2030, but the mere fact that we are striving toward them guarantees that we will be better off than than we are today.

Learn more about EDC’s Inclusive Growth work

See the San Diego-Seattle regional comparison

See past leadership trip recaps

Talent Pipeline Management: EDC’s talent framework

As total student debt continues to climb in the United States, and the hope that some would see relief fades, the need for new and more affordable approaches to training and education grows. In San Diego, it is projected that 84 percent of new jobs created by 2030 will require some sort of post-secondary education. However, restricted access to formal higher education means there will not be enough people to meet employer demand. This is compounded by San Diego’s increasing reliance on (and leadership in) intellectual property and technology that changes faster than curriculum can keep pace with.

It’s clear the days of leaning entirely on traditional education systems to prepare the entire economy’s workforce are behind us, and yet the demand for talent with the skills and educational training necessary to perform complex tasks such as research and development still very much exists. Jobs in the innovation economy are high-paying, resilient, and each one supports two jobs elsewhere in the economy. These jobs are critical to San Diego’s story, so companies must be creative about what this new age of recruitment and workforce preparation looks like.

There is a science to knowing how many skills and competencies a new hire should have learned from a training program, and how much training a company should expect to build into onboarding. The equation to find out exactly where that line is being drawn is called Talent Pipeline Management® (TPM).

An employer-led, data-driven approach.

San Diego Regional EDC’s alignment with the TPM framework is rooted in shared values around being authentically employer-led and data-driven. With between 75,000 and 85,000 monthly job postings and an average of just 59,000 unemployed San Diegans each month to fill them, San Diego (along with the rest of the nation) faces a talent shortage. This is the business case for changing the way we develop talent in the region.

“TPM leverages lessons learned from supply chain management, strategies, and tools to help employers and employer associations play the role of an end-customer in a talent supply chain.”

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation

September, 26, 2022 - Washington, DC, USA: The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation hosts TPM National Learning Network Summit reception. Photo by Joshua Roberts / © U.S. Chamber of Commerce
From left to right: EDC Sr. Manager Taylor Dunne with other California TPM users Annie Sterling, Loren Kaye, and Lex Carlsson.

How EDC uses the framework.

Since 2019, EDC and its partners have worked together to convene multiple Employer Working Groups (EWG), made up of more than 70 companies from across industries, to lead in the reshaping and development of talent pipelines in our region.

The TPM framework is broken down into the following six strategies. This is how EDC leverages each one to build talent in our region:

  1. Organize for employer leadership and collaboration: Create a collaborative that organizes employers to identify the most promising opportunities for engagement around similar workforce needs.
    Leveraging EDC and partner networks, we convene five to 10 companies to discuss talent needs that persist across industry. Company representatives including hiring managers, recruiters, or talent acquisition specialists are invited to attend meetings focused on occupations in their industries.
  1. Project critical job demand: Develop projections for job openings to determine with accuracy the type of talent and how much of it employers need.
    Using labor market information and existing job postings, EDC builds an outline of predicted needs, then shares those predictions with the EWG to see how it resonates with current industry trends. Predicting labor market trends is a useful tool, however it lacks the day-to-day insight of industry knowledge and growth potential. Labor market information also fails to highlight correlating factors that might be contributing to a weak talent pipeline such as retention challenges in a potential feeder role, or misaligned incentives between training programs and employers. Talent needs are better understood when all of this information comes together. Each EWG member is asked to respond to a survey to quantify hiring expectations in a few key roles over the next three to five years.
  1. Align and communicate job requirements: Create a shared language to better communicate competency, credentialing, and other hiring requirements of critical jobs in ways that allow employers to signal similarities and differences.
    As decisions are made for occupations that are most in need of an improved talent pipeline, EDC use current job postings and existing skill frameworks to start building a list of the necessary skills. Employers help to create a shared definition of skills and determine which should be taught in a classroom and which are best suited to learn on the job. This often serves as an opportunity for companies to better understand their own skill requirements and broaden the pool of talent they recruit from. Using this data, EDC produces a Talent Demand Report outlining critical findings and providing guidance for how training providers can improve curriculum to meet industry needs.
  1. Analyze the talent supply: Identify where employers historically source their most qualified talent and analyze the capacity of those sources—as well as untapped talent sources—to meet projected demand.
    EDC provides a platform for local education partners to showcase how they are training to the skills needed, as well as how they are reaching and serving a diverse student population. This approach allows for a fresh look at all training providers in the region, setting aside rankings and accolades to focus on how students are being prepared for quality jobs. In the past, this exercise has led employers to recognize occupations that don’t need a bachelor’s degree, because more accessible associate’s degree or even certificate programs proved to be adequately teaching the skills needed.
  1. Build talent supply chains: Manage the performance of talent supply chains to create a positive return on investment for all partners.
    EDC and core partners continue to work hard to build a workforce and talent pipeline with a stable network of private companies, educational institutions, and community organizations. Identifying the major barriers that limit growth and how this network is equipped to assist in lessening those hurdles remains key in shaping a San Diego for all.
  1. Apply continuous improvement: Use data from the talent supply chain to identify the most promising improvement opportunities to generate a better return on investment in the future.
    Continuous improvement is applied on multiple levels as the programs that use TPM continue to iterate and scale. Whether uncovering a need to improve student preparation for entry-level certification exams, adjust work-based learning opportunities, or any of the other lessons learned over the last four years, EDC and its partners are committed to continuously improving talent pipelines and moving the region closer to its skilled talent goal.

By assessing training providers based on pre-determined employer-set standards, the reliance on historically inaccessible sources of talent is eliminated, opening the aperture for both companies looking to find more diverse, qualified candidates, and for San Diegans preparing for quality jobs in the region.

A TPM case study

In 2020, EDC and Talent Forward, a U.S. Chamber Foundation initiative, released a case study on how the region had been using TPM to reach its goal of doubling the number of skilled workers each year.


“The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation is grateful to learn alongside partners like San Diego Regional EDC as it implements the TPM framework. For the past several years, EDC has demonstrated that employers can lead change management to build high-performing talent pipelines. These efforts have positively impacted so many in the San Diego region: companies, education and training partners, and most importantly, students and workers. We will continue to tout these tremendous achievements and are excited for all that is in store.”

– Jaimie Francis, Vice President of Policy & Programs for the Center for Education and Workforce at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation

Leading partnerships for the region.

Today, TPM continues to play an important role in San Diego’s talent development strategies. As the original Advancing Cities funding sunsets, public, private, and philanthropic investments allow the work to continue. EDC partnered with the San Diego Workforce Partnership and CCOE to use TPM to guide CyberHire and other future programs.

Thanks to the leadership of the Grossmont-Cuyamaca Foundation and the San Diego and Imperial Valley Community College Consortium, TPM is a leading feature of the Border Region K-16 Talent Pipeline Collaborative where the impacts of the framework will continue to expand.


If you are an employer, education provider, or convening organization interested in learning more about TPM, contact:

Taylor Dunne
Taylor Dunne

Director, Talent Initiatives

More like this:

San Diego’s demand for talent: Computing and engineering

With cutting-edge technology companies and research companies, the largest concentration of military assets in the world, and a strong innovation economy, the San Diego region has one of the most dynamic economies in the country. In 2022, more than $4.5 billion in VC funding was raised and more than 186,000 quality jobs were created by the innovation economy. With growing demand for skilled talent, computing and engineering professionals are a central figure in San Diego’s innovation economy.

In partnership with the Border Region Talent Pipeline K-16 Collaborative, Advancing San Diego convened 13 companies that collectively employ more than 21,000 San Diegans into an Employer Working Group (EWG) to gain a real-time picture of San Diego’s talent needs. Leveraging strategies from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s Talent Pipeline Management® framework, Advancing San Diego is excited to unveil a set of Talent Demand Reports that serve as a snapshot of local demand for computing and engineering professionals.

These reports serve as a high-level guide for education providers about the skills and competencies students need for entry-level openings in San Diego. The analysis dives deep into four computing roles: IT support technicians, systems and network administrators, software developers, and information and security analysts, as well as three engineering roles: assembler, engineering technician, and general engineer.

key FINDINGS for computing

  • Software developer is the most in-demand occupation in San Diego’s innovation economy and the second most in-demand job in the economy overall. In 2022, San Diego had more than 17,000 software developer jobs.
  • Cybersecurity roles have seen the most significant job growth over the last three years. Demand for people in information security analyst roles has increased by 19 percent from 2019 – 2022. Additionally, IT support technicians and software developers have seen an 11 percent job growth over the same time period.
  • Soft skills are becoming increasingly important across all computing roles. Communication ranked as the most in-demand employability skill in computing job postings in 2022. Employers agreed that communication, dependability, collaboration, and problem-solving are critical for entry-level candidates.

Computing Talent Demand report   

key FINDINGS for engineering

  • With more than 30,000 general engineering jobs in the region, electrical engineers rank the most in-demand type of engineer according to both labor market information (LMI) and EWG feedback. However, LMI does not reflect the rising demand expressed in the EWG for systems engineers who are often cross-trained, specializing in integrating and managing complex systems.
  • Software-related skills are becoming increasingly important in engineering roles. Skills such as python, computer science, and data analysis rank among the top 10 most in-demand skills within engineering job postings in San Diego.
  • Employers repeatedly emphasize the importance of work-based learning as part of engineers’ training. Models like apprenticeships and cooperative education have emerged as critical for the transition from student to worker.

Engineering Talent Demand report


Join us on November 15 at UC San Diego Park and Market for Advancing San Diego’s Verified Program event. Training programs will present key elements of their curriculum, as well as community engagement, diversity, equity, and inclusion, and industry engagement efforts to employers and community partners for the opportunity to be selected as an Advancing San Diego Verified Program.

Register here

  • Interested in becoming an Advancing San Diego Verified Program? Learn more about the process and benefits here.


Bridgette Coleman
Bridgette Coleman

Manager, Talent Initiatives


Halftime in San Diego

A June note from Mark

When I began working at EDC, I saw a Super Bowl ad that caught my eye—both a car commercial and a moving pep talk in a post-recession era.

As the narrator spoke about “halftime in America” and the opportunity to make a comeback, images of businesses, communities, and people from across the country flashed across the screen. At the end, the narrator’s face came into view as he walked through a locker room tunnel of a packed stadium. You may remember that narrator was actor and director Clint Eastwood, and that his message carried optimism, hope, and resiliency at a critical turning point.

Later that year, to bring that halftime hope home, EDC made our own version with philanthropist and business icon Malin Burnham as our narrator (our Clint Eastwood). You can watch that clip from 2012 here.

And indeed, when we pause at the midpoint to recognize the progress made and refocus on the work still ahead, we are always better for it. This year should be no exception, as EDC recognizes:

  • Our region’s progress toward an inclusive and thriving San Diego at EDC’s Annual Dinner, where we honored Taylor Guitars and WD-40’s Garry Ridge in partnership with Point Loma Nazarene University and JPMorgan Chase & Co.
  • The local and global growth of San Diego small businesses through programs like MetroConnect, and World Trade Center San Diego’s nationally-recognized role in fueling this expansion.
  • AI-Machine Learning technology’s proliferation and job creation in San Diego’s key economic clusters, explored in our AI in San Diego report series with Booz Allen Hamilton.
  • Advancing San Diego’s work to strengthen San Diego’s defense talent pipeline, convening SDMAC and other partners to assess and support emerging shipbuilding needs.

Still, we have work to do—to analyze San Diego’s RNA and Cybersecurity clusters, to lead this fall’s trade mission to Korea with Mayor Gloria, to celebrate your innovation at our annual Summer Bash, and to continue driving inclusive growth.

It’s halftime, San Diego. And it’s with and through your continued leadership, collaboration, and contributions during the months ahead that we will continue to strengthen the region we’re proud to call home.

Mark Cafferty
Mark Cafferty

President & CEO

Read EDC’s Monthly Report